
Thank you for visiting my blog. I focus on items that I think might be of interest as well as my wonderfull family. I also feature a recipie that I hope you all will enjoy. I welcome suggestions and if anyone has anything special to share or a good recipie or two I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Busy Days

Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. A lot has happened since I was last here. Still among the semi retired but keeping very busy with my new husband. I attended a career counseling training class today to decide if I will return to the work force even part time. It was very interesting and I enjoyed it and all the resources that are available. I think that I will take advantage of a computer class that they are offering. It won't cost me anything to attend.

Last Sunday we had a wonderful post St. Patrick's day dinner at my son and daughter-in-laws house and as usual the food was out of this world. Kudos on a great meal Ali!! My little granddaughter Isla is just growing by leaps and bounds along with her cousins. All the grandkids are so cute.

We are still doing our karaoke singing twice a week and really enjoying it. We have learned many more songs and have so much fun with it. It's getting late but until next time everyone take care.

Yea!! Isla is 9 months old

Doggie slideshow