December has been quite a busy month for me and might I say a very fun one too. Now that Christmas is only a few days away things are going to slow down a little for me. To start the month off I went to Disneyland with my sister and brother-in-law and we had a wonderful two days there even though the weather wasn't perfect. It just made things seem a little more magical. Then after that weekend we were invited to have a Christmas get together at my sister's house and it was so much fun to watch the grand-kiddies and great nephew Diego dance with glee as all the gifts were exchanged. He is so cute and so polite his mom has done a good job with him. It seemed like even
As the holidays are almost over but I still have some more get togethers to go to and my youngest son is going to take me out to dinner on Christmas Eve. I have to say this has been the very best holiday season I have had in years. Even our office party was the tops
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