People don’t realize it but Christmas has bloomed into a nearly $400 billion dollar spending spree in our country, maybe Ebenezer Scrooge shouldn’t have listened to the spirits that came to visit him that Christmas Eve night so long ago.
I estimate that the average American adult will spend about $740 dollars on gifts alone this season. With the economy still so much up in arms I think it’s time to go back to a simpler way of doing the holiday gift exchange this year.
How do you approach the delicate subject with friends and family? The key is not to wait until the last minute to set up the criteria that you will use for gift giving this season. I found it easy to explain to my family that I just don’t have the extra money to buy gifts for everyone. I have to admit that they were quite relieved because everyone seems to be on a budget this year.
If you have friends and relatives that you might only see during the holidays a thoughtful way to easily broach the subject of cutting back on gift giving this year is to send a nice little note or e-mail letting them know that you would rather not exchange gifts this year, maybe just do some baked goodies and tell them that you will look forward to seeing them.
If you are one of those people that feels you just have to buy gifts even though small. Just put a cap on your spending limit per person and try not to use credit cards. Remember a sale is not a sale if you don’t have the money.
If you’re in the habit of exchanging gifts with your colleagues at work why not just exchange a holiday greeting card instead with a nice holiday wish. Remember it’s the thought that counts.
Believe me you will be so much happier this season doing the simple kind of gift giving like baking or make simple things. I watched a movie the other day called the Walton’s Homecoming it took place back during the great depression of the 1930’s but to see how the holiday was focused more around the family really got me thinking of how I could do the same this year. So I will be going back to a simpler way of celebrating Christmas this year.
For those of you who really would like to give a small gift this Christmas here are just a few suggestions to keep gift giving simple:
1. Dollar-Store Gift Exchange: Remember it’s the thought that counts. See how creative you can be.
2. Regift exchange: If you have something that was given to you that is in mint or nearly mint condition that you think someone else might enjoy wrap it up and give it in the spirit of the holiday season. Remember it’s only regifting if that’s what’s in you heart.
3. Handmade Gifts: Handmade gifts are always a hit with me because that means that someone who cares took the time to think of you.
4. Photos Gift Exchange: I’m a grandma and I love photo gifts because they always remind me how blessed I am long after Christmas.
5. Giving to Charity: Do you have a favorite charity that you would like to donate to in instead of the regular gift exchange. That is a gift that will keep on giving long after Christmas.
6. Don’t Forget the Homemade Baked Goodies: They’re always a great gift for those that don’t have the time to enjoy baking their own goodies.
7. Give A Talent-Show: For those who are really creative give a Christmas talent show for family and friends. It’s a lot of fun and something that will be remembered in our hearts and memories for years to come.
8. The Gift of Your Time: The gift of time is always appreciated. Maybe some babysitting or doing some chores or errands for the person you’re giving the gift to.
Inexpensive holiday season might be more enjoyable that you think. As Dr. Seuss wrote in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”:
And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!
“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!’
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