The government is trying to impose a tax on vertrinary services. I am worried that this will discourage a lot of pet owners from taking proper care of their animals. My sister forwarded this bit of information to me from her vet in Belmont shores area. I am going to put the letter that was sent to her in this post. If you love your pets please take the time to respond and call the phone number listed so that our precious animals don't suffer.........
Dr. Sitler:Please consider sharing this email with your other clients. It is vital they know about the proposal and the easy method to oppose it.If you own a pet and live in California, the state's budget crisis is about to hit you in a strange way: When you visit your veterinarian next year, it's very likely you're going to be taxed. The Governor is calling this veterinary tax a “luxury tax.” I'm not sure where Governor Schwarzenegger's logic comes from, because when my dogs and cats (a.k.a. "The Ark") get sick, I don't consider a trip to your office to be a luxury. It's a vital necessity. And if you own more than one pet like I do a simple visit for a check-up, teeth cleaning, or a heartworm test could become more costly. At a time when many people are surrendering their pets to shelters because they can no longer afford to own them in today's economy, think how many more pets are likely to be given up - or how many will simply forego a trip to the vet for necessary treatment.The call takes less than a minute! Just dial (916) 445-2841, listen to the menu options then press: 1, 5, 1, 2.(1=English, 5=Veterinary Services Tax proposal, 1=to respond to the proposal, 2=to oppose the tax).On behalf of all pets and their owners, thank you for taking the time to oppose this proposal. TerriFrom the Doctors and Staff at Belmont Shore Veterinary Hospital
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