Papa enjoying a relaxing afternoon |
Isla your two cute!!! |
Grand-kids and cousins on a spring day. |
Where do I begin. So much has happened since I was last here filling you all in on the family details. Papa is still coming along but it is a slow process. He seems to get discouraged very easily so I have to always be sure and keep a real positive face on for him. Standing and finding his balance have seemed to be the most challenging part. Before he can really learn how to walk again he has to learn how to balance. He still does have pain with all the tone and tightness in his right leg and arm and hand. Through the insurance we were able to get three special braces made for him. One for his leg and two for the arm and hand. I will include so pictures of the three braces so you can see what they look like and how they are worn. He doesn't have to wear them all the time but they would like to see him wear each brace up to about four hours each, each day. We are still working up to that. He says that they do help him.
On a lighter note the grand-kids are doing fine and Issac is all healed from his surgery and starting to eat solid foods. His mom says he is doing quite well. He is as cute as a bugs ear. Barbara (my daughter-in-law) who is expecting her third little one in September just found out that she is having a boy! Can you believe it after two girls. Malia, Isla, Vivianna and, Hunter are all growing like weeds. I can keep up with them anymore. I'm so proud of my three sons and there wonderful family. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!